Thursday, February 6, 2014


Is my FAVORITE WORD IN THE WORLD!!!! Well not literally... maybe unicorn is or something dumb like that.... but what the word baptism entails is probably one of my favorite things. Our new convert has an aunt that we just so happened to run into on the street... Long story short, we taught her there, and now we have set a bap date with her! She has smoked her whole life and she when from smoking a pack a day to smoking one cigarette in a day... You cannot tell me that the power of this gospel is not real... It is so evident in the lives of these people that i interact with daily!! My mind is continually blown by these miracles. My heart cannot handle the love i have for these people. She literally is a miracle. The day we gave her the Book of Mormon, she stopped drinking coffee. She comes to church every week wearing church clothes! (that may not sound that significant...but here it is a miracle if our members wear church clothes) SO GREAT! The power we have in three is amazing.. We have been able to see our lesson count more than double here. I dont know what one extra person adds... but its changed everything. Our branch has a goal of being a ward in three years. I think they can really do it sooner. It is all about the members and who they invite.. They invite their friends, and we teach them... Members are so essential in missionary work. I never realized that before my mission... I don't think i could have even called myself a member missionary... it sounds cheesy but its totally true!!! I see the HUGE difference that it has made in our work here... I have a goal that i have to accomplish on my mission. I want to get into at least one house by our own efforts, (hoping it is a whole family that lives there) Teach them, and baptize them.. After running up and down five flights of stairs, you begin to think it is impossible... But than hey, we have all heard the miracle stories of it was the last door knocked on who let the missionaries in.. thats when i hear in my head I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!!... it has yet to happen, but i refuse to leave this country without accomplishing that... and when it does happen i am pulling the sister act movie and singing OH HAPPPY DAY.. But every day is happy day here in good ol' Sanremo with Vanny and Gillette... We're on the hunt for the elect and prepared! (: LOVE YOU ALL!

and sorry i dont write you people back.... NOT enough time! (british accent)
Love Sorella WOODS

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