Friday, January 30, 2015

we talk to everyone...January 21st email

and that means also very drunk people occasionaly. We were standing on the bus and this man just grabs my back. I turn around and he just is smiling at me. I salute him and grab my tag and put it up to his face.. he then says to me 'ohhh you speak english!' grabs my arm and gets uncomfortably close.. 
So what do i do...  start to share the gospel with him. He was very nice actually. Probably shouldn't have been touching me as much as he was but we left him with a pass along card. As i was getting off the bus he grabs my hand and professed his love for me... i stared for two seconds, told him grazie and got off the bus as quick as i could. But who knows. Maybe he will come out of his drunken stupor, find the card and gain his salvation.. You just never know. 
This past Sunday we were at church with one of our simps who is just progressing soooo well. A month ago she believed that church's were not necessary and this past Sunday after church i asked her what she wanted.. she replied with 'i want Ruben (un membro) to baptize me. So we set a date for febbraio. I cannot believe the blessings the Lord is pouring out on us. I especially feel blessed because i am at the end and i am seeing so many things happening. Our work is literally on fire. On monday i had to do scambio with the Cimiano Sorelle and i had told my sorella about this place called made in Sicily that makes literally the best cannoli's. So we went to go get a cannoli after being told no for 2 hours. On the way there i see this woman and the Spirit said talk so i placed myself right in her way and asked her how she was. The biggest smile came to her face as we were talking and she was just so excited she kept saying 'i'm christian too' NEW SIMP! Seriously, every week we are finding at least one and usually more. My love for this work has never been greater and it's sad. because i know i have to come home eventually but i'll just say it, i don't want to. The reality of what we do has just really hit me. This gospel is the very core of who i am and to be able to share that with others every day is such a blessing. I am grateful for this last transfer (transfer news... we are staying in pavia fyi insieme!!!) where i really am the best i have ever been. I can speak, teach, and most importantly be guided by the Spirit. I am just so happy and blessed to be here doing the work of the Lord. As we got on another bus (still on scambio) A simp got on that has been avoiding us.. I run up to her and started talking. ( i have come to the realization that i do not know what is socially correct anymore... aka talking to someone who really doesn't want to be talking to me, but i don't really care because what i am doing is more important then them feeling awkward) She looks at my comp who doesn't know her, and says ''i can't get away from these missionaries, they always find me'' well duhhh,, you are praying for help and the best help you can get is the gospel...WE ARE THE ANSWER FROM GOD: WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE SEE THAT?  We said that, and now she is meeting with us this Friday. MIRACLES!
Every day.. LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
Love you all, 
Have a fun week,
Sorella Woods

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