Thursday, January 2, 2014

We survived World War 3!

Or so i would think after being woken up at 12 last night by what sounded like we were being bombed.. not even exaggerating the slightest. They sure as heck were not fireworks... i do not know what they do here for new years, but alas! We have survived! Sorella Egbert and i got to be little rebel missionaries last night and stay out tell 10.30! We couldn't be on the streets though, because Italians go a little nuts, but we had a nice dinner with some of our members, and our newest member YOSMAIRA!!! And by nice dinner, i mean they just keep filling your plate once it is empty.. Sorella Egbert was full by the first plate, but me being me, i kept eating.. Fratello Cangialosi(Ciro) said we needed to grow some more, so we needed to eat more. Than this little old man who is not even a member bought a cake (well not really cake, but more of bread thing that is basically their cake) that weighs probably a good 15 to 20lbs. No joke there either. Basically it was just a really great New Years and i am so excited for this next one! Kevin and Yosmairs baptism was truly amazing. They are completely different people. They just glow. After Kevin received the priesthood, he just radiates this spirit. And he is baptizing his mom and sister this Saturday whom we also have been teaching.. There is just so much joy that comes from seeing these people change their lives. Especially families. I just think about how important my family is to me, and the fact that we have the option to be together forever.. That is what we are bringing to these people every day! So the bible dictionary is my new google since i cant use google here. Bible dictionary word of the week is Earnest. I would suggest you all go read it, but basically it is the deposit paid by the buyer of any item. In the words of Sorella Woods or from what i got from it is, Heavenly Father is the buyer and has paid the 'deposit' which is the Holy Ghost. We are the item that is being bought. He has put down this 'deposit' of the promise of the full amount paid which is eternal life. There in lies the secret of why the Holy Ghost is soooo important to everything that we do here on this life! He has given us the Holy Ghost because that is what testifies of the truth of his great eternal plan which is to return to him! I am so excited for Kevin and Yosmaira. They have this gift now like we do, and they treasure it because they know what it is like to grow up without it. A lot of us grew up in the church, and i know that i didn't listen as much as i should of before my mission. I am realizing here how much we need to base our lives on the direction that we receive from the Holy Ghost. There in lies our success in this life, and in the life to come! Another thought that i have been rolling around in my ever moving brain is Family night. Our church leaders have specifically set aside Monday night as family night. I think that there is importance in that. It gives us another night in the week where we are pulled away from the distractions of the world and are able to spend it with our families. I have seen it change families here and i really have a testimony of the importance of it! Prophets wouldn't give us this specific for no reason. It is direction from Heavenly Father through his prophets. Facciamo serata familiare LUNEDI! It brings blessings! Well i am out of words for today! I love you all and am grateful to be here with Sorella Egbert as a representatives of Jesus Christ. Until next week! 

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