Cristal and jack. She says "love the little guy"
> So we decided we wanted to play a scavanger hunt this week... and one was
> to get a picture with a red vespa because thats about as Italian as you can
> get... well we did it!!
> [image: Inline image 2]
> Even got the proof picture to show it and a red skirt to match.. But i feel
> like i could be doing some slogan for Mcdonals what with the yellow and
> red. We also found a little dog roaming around the streets yesterday...
> Usually they have their master with them but this little guy didnt so of
> course Sorella Carter and i just had to stop and get a picture with him..
> But that wasnt enough.. So i pick him up and we start trying to find his
> owner. So i call the number on his tag and noone picks up. So im down to
> the point that i would just like a new pet, but thats not allowed so i try
> the number again.. this woman picks up and ask who it is.. i proceed to
> tell her that i am Sorella Woods a sister missionary and that i have her
> dog.. That would be a strange call to get... She than hangs up on me.. All
> of a sudden Jack.. the dog... leaps from my arms and runs up to this car
> that had pulled up accross the street.. and what do you know.. its his
> owner. She just glares at us.. throws Jack in the back, and walks away...
> we than proceed to slowly and awkwardly walk away I think she knew i had
> the intent of taking him with me. But now cute little Jack is back
> home..There is just always something fun here. So yesterday was April
> fools... and we get a call that Carter is being transferred, but guess
> what.. its not a joke.. even though we wish it to be. So today is our last
> day to finish our scavenger hunt. We will succeed!!! It has been a great
> transfer. It has probably been my most difficult work wise because there is
> noone who really has interest but it is an amazing city and i have had an
> amazing companion. Its just times like these where i know Heavenly Father
> knows im getting a little too comfortable and its time for me to grow
> again... Its like a never ending pattern.. One transfer is really great and
> the next not so much.. Same with one transfer i grow a lot and the next i
> dont feel like i did so much. Just to think that this is just another part
> of the great plan. Our baptisms fell through but hopefully this next week
> they will happen. I pray that they will happen but it is His choice. Never
> ours. Some days its really hard to have the desire to be shut down again
> and to go talk to people who look at you like your the plauge.. As i hear
> about your struggles in the normal world i just think this... after the
> trial comes the reward. I promise that is exactly how it goes.. He lets
> stuggles happen.. He has to because that is when we become who He needs us
> to be.. and than that is when He lifts us up.. That is when we are humble
> enough to recieve the answer and be given the direction we need to turn.
> That is when we see the miracles with people here in Italy. That is when
> you at home see the success with work, school, and with really whatever
> else you need. Just always give your trust and will to Him, because that is
> right when the struggle will end. I promise. I love youuuuuu! Have an
> amazing week!
> Love Sorella Woods
Italian gelato
They don't like them JWs
Creepy Italian elevators
SHe LOVES tangled and i hide pascel every week somewhere new